Thursday, January 15, 2009

Queen Anne/Peets/Studying

So we (Heather, Shelly, Chelsea and I) took a trip up to Queen Anne today to get some studying done. Queen Anne is super cute and trendy. Its at the top of the hill where our school is and its one of the nicest places to live in Seattle (LO I know I took you up here but it was really dark, it's basically a 23rd.) Nothing better than sitting in a coffee shops with friends and talking and laughing, as you can imagine we are getting a lot done, lol. This last term had its own challenges. But one of the biggest that stood out to me was missing home. Missing familiarity, family and friends. However this new term has been so encouraging to me. I am starting to feel at home here. I am getting to know the city, the little towns on the outskirts, and the buses (which will be a whole other blog.) I am truly appreciating being here though, the people and the city, the overall experience and what an experience it was and will be. I feel very blessed to be here, I think we all do. Since we are at a coffee shop the only fitting cliche sign off would be...CHEERS!

1 comment:

Lauree "LO" Austin said...

Glad to hear that you are having fun! That makes me so happy to hear that you are finding great coffee shops, I'm jealous, but happy for you. Tell all the ladies hi for me and study twice as hard because you know you aren't studying at the coffee shops! Love you Liv -