Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year, New Classes, New Hair, New Outlooks

Well I did it I cut my hair off! And thus begins another term at SPU. Being home at break was great. I spent a lot of really good time with my family given the crazy snow conditions, which by the way made world news. My roomate went to Europe for her christmas vacation and she saw the storm on BBC over there. (sidenote, for those of you that know Heather and I, I will try and talk about whats going on in the both of our lives as much as possible, because we all know Heather doesn't blog.) Which by the way, exciting news Heather and I got nominated for the Homecoming Ballot and Heather made top three!!! She might be crowned Freshman princess and if she wins she gets to donate money to her favorite charity. I am really proud of her. School is going pretty good for the both of us. Its had its own set of complications. Ever since Heather got home she has had some funky jet lag and has a wierd sleep pattern, but she is starting to figure it out. Last term I went to bed later than Heather, every single night. She was sort of a new mommy sleeper, however just yesterday she turned and looked at me and said "Ann were not in bed and its 11:30, we're real college kids" my thoughts are, no! I dont want to be a college kid, i have vowed to myself to try and be in bed by 10 or eleven everynight (except for nights I have meetings, or movies, or clubs, or homework...ya right) We are still trying to figure it all out. Well I should probably get off this now since I have Chem Lab in an hour and have to write my pre-lab, I would just like to pass along my favorite quote of the week thanks to Shane..."Buzz your girlfriend...WOOF!"


Misty and Matt said...

First of all, your hair looks amazingly cute and fun! are the new classes? Third..did you get some answers to questions we spoke of before the holidays? Hope you're doing well! God bless

Anonymous said...

its SOOOOOOOOO cute!