Saturday, January 17, 2009


So I have recently gotten a part time job as a nanny. The family and I interviewed right before break, and I accepted the job during break, and started this last week. The family is adorable, they live right by UW, in a beautiful suburban home, seriously pottery barn written all over it. The kids are adorable, they have a four year old Gavin, and two year old, Mason. They also have a new one on the way maybe sometime this week.

As some of you may know, I didn't get to bring my car up to school with me so I rely on buses and trains to get from A to B. Which actually is great (so far.) Being from the country, I have always wanted to be a city girl, thats where my heart is. So riding public transportation, walking downtown, sitting at the bus stops reading my book, or waiting for my transfer is very thrilling. I feel so street savy finding the numbers and streets in a city that is very unfamiliar to me.

So this week is my first week on the job, I want to make sure that I dont arrive late so I plan to arrive about 25 minutes early, just in case something happens. I have to make a transfer downtown, so while I wait I call up my mom, Im gushing about how exciting the city is to me and how good it feels and my first day. I get on my new bus (an express) whilst still talking. About ten minutes later my mom says "make sure you dont miss your stop" And I assure her that I know where to get off, as I say it we pull away from the stop I was supposed to be getting off at...awesome. No worries I think, I'll just get off at the next stop and walk. A minute goes by, then we cross a bridge, the bridge alone is 2 miles alone, ok no problem I will just get on a returning bus. Another Five minutes go by...Oh crap, I start to get worried, it has to stop soon, nother ten minutes go by. I panic, I start looking around the bus and there are a couple things I notice 1. The seats are comfortable, much more comfortable than a normal buss 2. There are personal lights above every seat, like you see on trains or planes and 3. The front of the bus reads Express...Oh CRAP! Im going to CANADA. I call Heather and tell her, She offers to come get me, I dont even know where I am, Heather isnt great at directions she'll be the first to tell you, and the bus hasnt even stopped yet. About another 5 minutes and the bus pulls off much to my surprise and relief. I hop off and call my sister to vent, as im running over the freeway to get onto the on ramp and the next bus. I call Heather to cancel and call my employer to tell her what a doof I am. I wait for the next express, which luckily came in the next 5 minutes, if I hadnt been there then, if would have come an hour later. I get on and travel the 15 miles back, in traffic I might add. I get there at 1:45, forty minutes later than I was schedule to be there. What an awesome first day! Can't wait for Thursday! TO BE CONTINUED...


Anonymous said...

haha yes!! go you city girl! haha.

i miss you!!

Jenne said...

What a blessed family to get YOU as their nanny!

This is Jenne (Snodgrass) Glover (remember me or the family from Damascus? Lynn, Drake, Megan... anyway). Like Lauree, you have grown up so much. What a beautiful woman you are!

Take care,