Monday, May 25, 2009

Gorgeous Day with Family

Oh there is nothing quite like the beautiful outdoors of Oregon. I decided that early on Friday morning I would get up at 5:30 and drive down to Portland to hike Multnomah Falls with my family. So I met Tiff and Tony and the boys at about 9, and we drove to the falls, me sitting, no squeezing in between the two boys' carseats. When we got there it was beautiful outside, the perfect day. At first Curtis proceeded on foot, but after realizing that the kid doesn't get out of the house a whole lot and the overwhelming outdoors was giving him severe ADD we put him in the backpack. Tony took Curt, Tiff took Henry and I took the backpack, and we set out. Oh man as Tony was pushing ahead, Tiffany and I were panting in the rear, holy crap that is an incline, I am so freakin out of shape. But when we did get to the top, it was beautiful. I feel so blessed to be an Oregonian, and apart of God's creation. What a master artist!


Lauree "LO" Austin said...

mom and I loved looking through through the pics this morning. Glad to see such beauty from God in our own backyard!

Dana said...

anna- you are as beautiful as ever!! what a fun aunt you must be =). we are in pdx right now and are doing mult falls tomorrow- so fun to read your blog and keep up on your life. love you!