Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Its been awhile

My life has been crazy busy. I live in Seattle now!! and I love it. I think even though I have grown up in the suburbs I am a true city girl at heart. It has been really nice being so close to the city. The first week of school I wanted to go for a walk and it was beautiful outside. So where my school is is right by the water, or the canal, and there is a awesome path right along the water. So I started off, the leaves were beautiful and there were tons of runners and bikers it was beautiful and about a mile down the path I turn a corner and there it was "the emerald city!" It was massive and all spreadout in front of me, gorgeous! I didnt want to stop so I kept on going. Pretty soon I noticed that it was getting dark and I still needed to head back to campus. So I started jogging back. It had been awhile since the sun had set now and slowy all the runners and bikers started to dissapear, I got a little nervous, so I turned down my Ipod and started looking over my shoulder. I had to go back through this little alley along the path that was super sketch so (because I have been trained so well by my mother) I picked up a huge rock and started running with it. If anyone was going to attack me at least I would give him a good knock. All to say that maybe I should check what time it is before I start going on 4 mile pleasure walks at night.

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