Saturday, November 15, 2008

And the Curtain Goes Up

So about a month and a half ago I auditioned to be in the play here at Seattle Pacific. It was called the Alto Part, I had never heard of it and was a little anxious to tryout. I was so comfortable in high school auditioning, I actaully looked forward to the audition process. But this was different, I didnt know anyone and no one knew me and worst of all...I had to sing. Let me give you a recap, back my freshmen year I was in the Barlow choir. I got a solo in the first concert of the year, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." I was so excited, so it came time for my part and I emerged out of the choir and walked up to the mike, the words just flowed from my mouth (of course it was magical) until I realized that I was singing the verse that the girl was singing right before me. I stopped singing and started humming, I looked at my director for help, nothing. So I hummed and smiled. Later sohphmore I was in "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" when it came to the night for my solo, I faked sickness so I didnt have to sing (this is a bit of a confession, because up until now I think everyone thought I really was sick...well now you know!) All this to say, I dont like to sing in public anymore. So I find out that this play is not a musical, but that there is singing. So I have to prepare a 1 minute monologue and a song of my choice, of course I chose a classic, "Amazing Grace." I also decided to write my own monologue. I guess it was alright because I got the part. And after rehearsal and rehearsal of messing up the song, I have finally learned my part correctly and am not completely hopeless (don't get excited, it's not a solo.) The play is set in 1956, Texas. I play Ethyl Roberts a 57 year old who is very...friendly but sort of naive rash and socially ignorant. I love it though. She is a blast to play. I have also never had to wear a wig or old lady makeup before and its fun, sort of a hassle but I love it. And the girls in my cast are amazing! Love them. Anyway if you still want to come it runs November 20-22. Come come!

MakeUp Master Don Yanik
Getting Ready

We have to do this to our hair everynight so we can put our wigs over...Thank you Chelsea!


MMmmm yes

Our Wonderful Stage Managers, Ali and Elizabeth

The Whole Cast

Oh OlaBelle

We give it two thumbs up!


Lauree "LO" Austin said...

I loved watching you!! Is your makeup like that every night? It didn't seem that strong when I saw the play. Anyway, it was great fun to watch the play and see such talent. Love you!

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaha i love these pictures!!