Saturday, July 12, 2008

Stuck at home with Kleenex up my nose

So thursday night I started to feel like I was coming down with something. I had a runny nose and a scratchy throat. At 2am I woke not being able to swallow and in pain when trying to breathe. I walked upstairs to take some airborne, knowing however that it is a preventitive not a fixer. To my surprise though I was able to breathe smoother. I went back to bed and continued to wake up every hour on the hour. At 7 in the morning though it was time to get up and embrace the day. I was set to babysit the Clauds at 8:30 and did not want to be late. During the morning I was probably the most lackadaisical sitter. We threw around the ball with the dogs for a bit in the back. Then after picking rasberries for about 15 minutes we encountered a cute little black and orange snake. Me being totally brave and secure decided it was time for us to hustle out of the garden and sit in front of the television. The remainder of the morning would usually be spent with me planning some dancing lessons or games of tag and run, however on this particular morning I was very creative and decided that multiple episodes of Spongebob was just the trick. After arriving home I decided it would be best if I didn't sleep because I knew I would be up all night. So I decided that I would indulge in about 12 episodes of the O.C., the high class, totally educational show of drama and scandal in the lives of the rich and beautiful. After getting a headache that seemed to travel outside of my body with a pulsing between my eyes I took some musinex and tylenol. Then I sat down with my father and together we watched Rendition, rating it at an ok, but not a must see. This morning I find that the throat feels a ton better and breathing has become bearable again. I guess a perk to this situation though is that I woke up this morning with that ever sexy Peobe from Friends sick voice. Side note: it is Kiki's Birthday today, Happy 24th! I love her and could not be happier that she is at home with her family again. It is also almost Tony's Birthday, Happy 29th, so we are celebrating his as well, I love you and what an amazing addition to our family you have been.So I look forward to celebrating this day with them, with kleenex up my nose.


Misty and Matt said...

Glad to see you have a blog- you're such a great and interesting writer. Yes it's THE OSCAR! Hope you're feeling better very soon. When do you leave for college- and still SPU?

Dana said...

This is your old youth pastor! I'm in Latvia and I just saw your sister and was thinking about our trip to Portugal...ah Survival and all the other fun we had. I read the 'awesome' Oregonian article about you...I always knew you were a superstar, now I know why! Have a great summer and a blast at College.
- Mark