Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Take a Bit of Time and Half Off

Wow, I am almost ashamed to write, on account of it being so long since I have written. However I think that it would be nice to keep some sort of discipline in my life, and let those whom I love know a bit about whats going on with me these days. So I am going to try and do a six month recap of my life, ya right we shall see how that goes.

Job: When I cam home last June, I hit the pavement looking for a job. As Kiki and I were sitting in Panera job searching and writing our resumes, she found an ad for Peets Coffee and Tea, and it was in Happy Valley! It was the next day so I thought, shoot why not? I went, and a week later I had a job. I am still employed at Peets and Love It! First off I get free coffee and tea, (my sisters are much enjoying the perks of that.) and I get to know so many people and serve them. I love my customers, they have become my friends! (their dogs too :))

School: I started at Clackamas Community College in September. The first term was a struggle to say the least. It was a bit of an ajustment coming from dorm life to a commuter school. I didn't meet anyone from my classes, and I was exhausted by working full time and 16 credits. However God has really provided for me this term. I started Anatomy and Physiology, which say the least. About a week before the class started I found out my friend Elliot was also in it, and in my lab! Such an incredible blessing. We have become each others study buddies, and I have seen improvements in my grades (probably because I get so competitive, but passively of course!) I am also taking a theater class, which has been so much fun! I have met lots of awesome people in that class as well. So I am generally really enjoying school right now, which is huge for me, and very encouraging!

Church: When I got home from school in June, I soon got a job where I had to work every Sunday morning. This became my favorie excuse not to go to church. Over the last six months I became very lazy with my faith. I was not in His word, I was not praying. I was very spiritually dry and was waiting on Him to entice me. I wanted the, desire, to come back to him. But after talking to some people whom I trust, and in all their wisdom, they guided me back to the word. I have a new desire to serve and to read, to be prayerful and head His wisdom. I am currently attending Solid Rock church. I have signed up to be a greater, serve coffee or do whatever is needed. I am excited to get into a Home Group during the week and really get connected to this church and pour my heart into it!

Family: I have loved being back in Portland for the fact that I get to be with my family. (some members a little more than I would like :), just kidding mom and dad I love you!) I am pretty busy with work and school, but I love being with them whenever I can. The only thing that is missing is my dear Lolo. I love to skype and catch up on her life whenever I can. I am also currently planning trip to visit her in June after school gets out. Do a little sight seeing as well!

Friends: It has been a huge ajustment, coming from SPU, where I was surrounded by people all the time, to living with my parents,driving a half hour to school, and eating alone. But God has provieded some truely great people in my life. He has reintroduced me to old friends and made the relationships that I have here in Portland even stronger. I still stay in touch with friends from Seattle and much as can be, which is hard given all of our crazy schedules. But I am feeling blessed more and more each day.

ME: Hmm not alot. Im a brunette, it was a sort of impulsive "I dont have any money, what the hell, lets buy a box of hair dye." Oh and I also have bangs, which was also a bit impulsive and rash, but Kiki is now in Hair school so I am excited for all the new rash and impulsive hairdo's to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AH I loved reading about your life! So good to get a catch up with you...even if it's just on the bloggg. I am so happy you are doing well!
Come out to GF sometime and stay the night. I have an extra bed! Or just for dinner or something when your not working. We should hang out after S. Rock, too!
Miss you.