Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Finally A Peace

For many years my passions have been spit between doing something that I love and pursuing something that I think I will love. I have performed since I was a tot and theater has always been apart of me, I am a bit theatrical in everyday speech. However I have known that I have always wanted to get into the medical field as well. This has been a huge struggle for me in the last three years especially. Not knowing which to pursue. I have always thought that if I went into acting I would be a struggling waitress and never get that big break, and reality thats probably really very true. However I have also thought that if I go into the health field I could be giving up on something really good, something that I love, a dream of mine. I don't like to quit and either way felt like quiting to me. I have wrestled and prayed and have never really felt a peace one way or another, untill now. In the last week I have had such an amazing overwhelming feeling of relief and peace about pursuing one dream, and that is nursing. I am ok with not being on stage or being in shows. I don't doubt that it will be hard to sit in my seat and not wish that it was me on stage, but I am ok with that thought right now, something that I have never felt before. I am not going to say that I will never come back to acting or theater, however I am putting it on hold for now, and to be perfectly h0nest it would be ok if I didn't come back to it. I know I never thought I would be saying this, and that excites me because I know that it is God that is giving me this peace about the whole decision. I have also been thinking about all kinds of nursing, I have always liked the idea of working in the ER but I have been thinking a lot about being a Flight Nurse, or a Neonatal Nursing, and Labor and Delivery Nursing, I think all of those would be amazing. As I look at my career path I am getting really excited. I am volunteering at a World Aids dinner and Luncheon, I just applied to volunteer for monthly blood drives, I am applying to volunteer at Children's Hospital here in Seattle, and I am also in the process of becoming a nanny for a family over by UW. They have a 4, and 2 and a new born as of January, so I know that if it works out it will be a challenge, but I love working with kids, and I loved my summer job working as a nanny for wonderful children of almost the same age and I feel well prepared and up for the challenge. I am getting excited about the future and to see what else God has in store for me. For now I will just trust that He knows what He is doing and will enjoy everystep, no matter how steep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anna im so happy for you. you will be an amazing nurse. i would have you caress my fevered brow anyday!