Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Life Happens... anxiously

I am anxious about life. So many big decisions are being made and I am afraid to make the wrong one. I know at a certain point you just need to close your eyes and take the leap and trust that God has whats best in mind. I was really anxious about what school to go to and what city...or lack there of, to live in. I have decided that I will be attending Seattle Pacific University in the fall (go falcons!) and I am extremely excited. At the same time though I face huge financial barriers. I wonder if I am making a risky decision when I should make the smart decision and go to a community college, save the money and transfer my junior year. I have decided I am a risk taker and I would love to experience the whole dorm freshmen year life style. I will be rooming with one of my best friends Heather Canby, she is a rock and super supportive of me. I feel like I have been waiting so long to grow up and be on my own, completely independent, except for, well somewhat independent. At least living out of my parents house. I am excited to see what the city of Seattle has in store for me and equally excited as to what I can give to it. I am going into pre-nursing and will be focussing most of my time and efforts into that field, however I will also be apart of the SPU theater program. My passion is theater and acting and I would love to pursue something, however I know how hard it is to make it in that field, which is why I am going into nursing. I am anxious to see how my 18 credits of pre-nursing classes collide with my everyday theater class from 3-5, plus the two plays that I have to try out for during the school year. So here it goes...not knowing whats to come I am ready to take that leap and head anxiously into the unknown.

1 comment:

Misty and Matt said...

Oops should have read this blog- got the answer to my question! Have so much fun, and learn lots. You'll be an amazing nurse here very soon!