Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Finally A Peace

For many years my passions have been spit between doing something that I love and pursuing something that I think I will love. I have performed since I was a tot and theater has always been apart of me, I am a bit theatrical in everyday speech. However I have known that I have always wanted to get into the medical field as well. This has been a huge struggle for me in the last three years especially. Not knowing which to pursue. I have always thought that if I went into acting I would be a struggling waitress and never get that big break, and reality thats probably really very true. However I have also thought that if I go into the health field I could be giving up on something really good, something that I love, a dream of mine. I don't like to quit and either way felt like quiting to me. I have wrestled and prayed and have never really felt a peace one way or another, untill now. In the last week I have had such an amazing overwhelming feeling of relief and peace about pursuing one dream, and that is nursing. I am ok with not being on stage or being in shows. I don't doubt that it will be hard to sit in my seat and not wish that it was me on stage, but I am ok with that thought right now, something that I have never felt before. I am not going to say that I will never come back to acting or theater, however I am putting it on hold for now, and to be perfectly h0nest it would be ok if I didn't come back to it. I know I never thought I would be saying this, and that excites me because I know that it is God that is giving me this peace about the whole decision. I have also been thinking about all kinds of nursing, I have always liked the idea of working in the ER but I have been thinking a lot about being a Flight Nurse, or a Neonatal Nursing, and Labor and Delivery Nursing, I think all of those would be amazing. As I look at my career path I am getting really excited. I am volunteering at a World Aids dinner and Luncheon, I just applied to volunteer for monthly blood drives, I am applying to volunteer at Children's Hospital here in Seattle, and I am also in the process of becoming a nanny for a family over by UW. They have a 4, and 2 and a new born as of January, so I know that if it works out it will be a challenge, but I love working with kids, and I loved my summer job working as a nanny for wonderful children of almost the same age and I feel well prepared and up for the challenge. I am getting excited about the future and to see what else God has in store for me. For now I will just trust that He knows what He is doing and will enjoy everystep, no matter how steep.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A New Day

So this weekend has had its ups and downs. With the opening of the show things have been rocky and it just seems that satan has been attacking this show. We have had so many things happen, first one of the girls broke her leg, so we had to re-cast. Then our whole light system failed three days before opening, then on opening night the sound system went out completely, and we had to do the whole show without sound. Then the following night, the girl that replaced the girl that broke her ankle tripped on a stair and slightly sprained her ankle...awesome! There has also been some personally challenging things that have been thrown my way this weekend. However my family came up which was wonderful. I got to see my parents and Lo and Kiki. Today we walked around Greenlake, it was beautiful and I felt so blessed to have such a wonderful, loving and supportive family. Also tonight was also Worship night, it was amazing. Singing is definately my form of worship and it was two hours of singing and praying...I loved it. It was charismatic and free. It reminded me that God is in control and this is still his Kingdom, not the worlds or mans. Tomorrow is a new day and I am looking forward to catching up with my creator!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

And the Curtain Goes Up

So about a month and a half ago I auditioned to be in the play here at Seattle Pacific. It was called the Alto Part, I had never heard of it and was a little anxious to tryout. I was so comfortable in high school auditioning, I actaully looked forward to the audition process. But this was different, I didnt know anyone and no one knew me and worst of all...I had to sing. Let me give you a recap, back my freshmen year I was in the Barlow choir. I got a solo in the first concert of the year, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." I was so excited, so it came time for my part and I emerged out of the choir and walked up to the mike, the words just flowed from my mouth (of course it was magical) until I realized that I was singing the verse that the girl was singing right before me. I stopped singing and started humming, I looked at my director for help, nothing. So I hummed and smiled. Later sohphmore I was in "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" when it came to the night for my solo, I faked sickness so I didnt have to sing (this is a bit of a confession, because up until now I think everyone thought I really was sick...well now you know!) All this to say, I dont like to sing in public anymore. So I find out that this play is not a musical, but that there is singing. So I have to prepare a 1 minute monologue and a song of my choice, of course I chose a classic, "Amazing Grace." I also decided to write my own monologue. I guess it was alright because I got the part. And after rehearsal and rehearsal of messing up the song, I have finally learned my part correctly and am not completely hopeless (don't get excited, it's not a solo.) The play is set in 1956, Texas. I play Ethyl Roberts a 57 year old who is very...friendly but sort of naive rash and socially ignorant. I love it though. She is a blast to play. I have also never had to wear a wig or old lady makeup before and its fun, sort of a hassle but I love it. And the girls in my cast are amazing! Love them. Anyway if you still want to come it runs November 20-22. Come come!

MakeUp Master Don Yanik
Getting Ready

We have to do this to our hair everynight so we can put our wigs over...Thank you Chelsea!


MMmmm yes

Our Wonderful Stage Managers, Ali and Elizabeth

The Whole Cast

Oh OlaBelle

We give it two thumbs up!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lets Catch Up

I have been here for about seven weeks and there has been so much going on in my life. However when sitting down with my roomate Heather to think about all the big things that have happened so far we were at a loss for words. It seems that its all the small things that have made up our experience in college so far. I have compiled a list of the little things that I have loved in college, things that have scared me and things I fear and look forward too. Lets Catch Up:

1. Raids: We have this thing called raids when a girl floor will raid her brother floor. Which is when at ten minutes before curfew we run up to the guys floor and run up and down the halls banging on all the doors screaming and yelling RAID! then the boys come down and we take them somewhere, usually for an activity or game. We did one a couple weeks ago and we took the boys to the center of campus and told them that we were going to be playing capture the flag. But when we yelled go we pelted them with water balloons...and then we played, unfortunately they killed. Being tired and lazy I mostly sat in the jail with the boys and conversed about life. Afterwards we gave them pop and cookies, it was a blast. We are waiting for them to raid us back, however we have a huge girl floor. We have around 5o girls on my floor, our brother floor has 17...awesome.

2. Roomies: All of the girl floors do a traditional roomies, which is when your roomate finds a secret date for you, and you for her. Then you meet the night of the date and go do something fun. We decided to go to a haunted house ( I say we as in my floor, because you know I would not be Choosing to go to a haunted house...hell no!) but since I didnt want to be lame I went along with it. So my dates name was Shane, super cool guy, he accidently slash I sort of already sqeezed it out of Heather (she's not a very good liar, and I'm a poopy roomate) that he was my date. We immediately got along really great. One night we both couldn't sleep so we ended up staying up till 5:30 in the morning together, just talking about life. Come the night of the haunted house I was a little anxious. I dont do well with scary things, Im sort of an anxious person around that sort of stuff, so I told him that and being a perfect gentlman he offered to stay out with me, but I didnt want to be lame. So for the first 10 seconds I was holding the back of his jacket waiting for my death, by the end of the maze I found myself completely wrapped around him with my face burried in the back of his jacket. After those first 10 seconds I never opened my eyes once the rest of the haunted house...awesome. I must have been a super fun date. After that though we ended up going to Dicks! Love It! and Shane and I have become super good friends!

3. Dicks: Dicks is our local hangout if you will. Its over on Queen Anne, which I live on. Its got super cheep, decent food. Hamburgers and fries and milkshakes, only the classics, and it's open till 2 in the morning, there have definately been some late night food runs..Love It!!

4. Laziness: So it is really easy to be super lazy in college, you live in your school. So showering has definately not been a priority. Sleep definately wins. So Heather is constantly waking me up in the morning to help me shower, or else I just keep sleeping. Dont worry I do shower I never go more than a day without, I have friends that go about four, Im telling you college, makes you lazy! Hats definately come in handy!

5. LOST: So at college you find yourself with sometimes a lot of free time. I I found a TV show that I could watch online, all four seasons for free. My friend Bethany and Hannah love it and talk about it all the time so I thought I would try it out, I ended up watching the complete first season in less than a week. Thats 18 hours in six days. I have just recently finished the second season which took me a bit longer, but I am proud to say that I am onto the third season now...K what the crap Michael!! And what the crap is going on!?

6. Music Video: So smart me I found a casting call for a music video on craiglist, I know I know it already sounds sketch. So I started emailing this guy, he is local, he is a composer but he wants to start getting into directing. We eventually met for coffee and had an interview and he told me that I had the job. Dont worry I didnt go alone, please I maybe a suburban girl but I have my street sense. I brought my guy friend Omid, he goes to UW. There were multiple days that we shot scenes and stills and Omid actually ended up being in it too. Its not finished being edited yet but I will keep you posted! (Don't get too excited I this was his first directing gig and I was sort of the guinea pig.)

7. The Alto Part: I got into the play here at Seattle Pacific. Its called the Alto Part, its set in Texas in 1956. Its an all girl cast of 6 people. I play Ethyl Roberts, she is 57 or so years old and is a bit social...not there. She is pretty goofy but I love it, she is a blast to play. I get to wear a wig! Its a super short bob and its grey and I get to wear old lady makeup. The cast of girls I work with are amazing! I love them dearly and I have enjoyed getting to know each and everyone of them! (pics to come)

8. Chemistry: Ugh school. My work load hasnt been too challenging here ao far, but chemistry is getting there. I doubt myself sometimes when it comes to school and when I get intimidated by other smart people. Oh I especially love when you walk out of a test and your like "wow wasnt that test..." and they yell "Easy!" and your like "...yah...uh easy...right" ....jerk But its getting there. I hope to be at a A or high B. I guess its just one step at a time though.

9.Pikes: We finally got to go to Pikes. I had been there before but I hadnt been since we moved here, neither had heather. So we had a day off and we went. It was so much fun, we went with our friends Chelsea and Mary. Mary is hilarious she loves to buy local, she is all about that, so she probably bought produce from 3 or 4 different vendors, and she was quizing all of them about where they buy their produce and if its organic enough. We love her! Such a fun time, then we went to this really pretty mall in the middle of seattle. Fun Day!

10. The Little Things.: So it has been so much fun having Heather for my roomate we are both really chill and go with the flow, so there hasnt been any conflict and just losts of goofy sometimes awkward and fun moments. Like for Halloween, while everyone was out at partys or in Seattle or going to the dance, we went for a jog, then came back and watched some greys anatomy, and gossip girl. (even though we both recognize the show to be no good, its so hard to say no...crap) Then we played a little scrabble and called it a night. We find that we are amazingly dull and we love it! We can find entertainment in the little things. The other day we got an actaul cable cord from the store and now we have cable!! We were stoked. so to celebrate we watched Center Stage...the sequel! We felt like tinyboppers. But it was so fun. Durign the commercial breaks we sprinted to the university store to get popcorn only to find that it was closed so we sprinted back, heaven forbid we should miss any of this extroadinary movie. There are also multiple times where Heath and I have been super hungry at like 10 at night, so we make up some mac and cheese in a pan (with water because we cant afford milk) (oh and we cant afford bowls either, or spoons for that matter) so we eat it right out of the pan (dad you would be so proud!) and we eat it with spoons that we stole from the cafeteria (dont worry dad we will return them, a couple of them really were by accident) One night we got a little crazy, sometimes homework will do that to you. So we climbed over the register counter and stole this monkey dog thing. We took it back to our room and dressed it up and then took picutres with it. We called her Dory...the Dorilla. So that is a lot of what happens on a day to day scene. I know we're pretty bomb!

Its been awhile

My life has been crazy busy. I live in Seattle now!! and I love it. I think even though I have grown up in the suburbs I am a true city girl at heart. It has been really nice being so close to the city. The first week of school I wanted to go for a walk and it was beautiful outside. So where my school is is right by the water, or the canal, and there is a awesome path right along the water. So I started off, the leaves were beautiful and there were tons of runners and bikers it was beautiful and about a mile down the path I turn a corner and there it was "the emerald city!" It was massive and all spreadout in front of me, gorgeous! I didnt want to stop so I kept on going. Pretty soon I noticed that it was getting dark and I still needed to head back to campus. So I started jogging back. It had been awhile since the sun had set now and slowy all the runners and bikers started to dissapear, I got a little nervous, so I turned down my Ipod and started looking over my shoulder. I had to go back through this little alley along the path that was super sketch so (because I have been trained so well by my mother) I picked up a huge rock and started running with it. If anyone was going to attack me at least I would give him a good knock. All to say that maybe I should check what time it is before I start going on 4 mile pleasure walks at night.