Friday, August 1, 2008

Mom and Me Day

So even though I live with my parents still, the quality time that we get to spend together is usually cut short by, well, life. So my mom and I decided that on Monday we would spend the day together just the two of us. We didn't know what we were going to do, we just knew it was together. So our day started by waking up at 5 in the morning to go to a workout class at 5:45. Then we came home and showered. She took a nap while I worked on my student loans and then we were off again. We started driving up to the mountain. We stopped at a camping site and parked in a lot and walked by a river, it was so peaceful and serene, we probably could have stayed there all day. The landscape on the way up is absolutely incredible, she kept pointing to the trees telling me to watch and I kept pointing to the road telling her to watch. As we drove up we started to pass Alpine slides, we both sort of looked at each other and said why not? So we bought two rides on the slides. We were both a little nervous, not having been on the slides for quite some time so we resorted to the slow lane. After that though we were geared up for the fast lane. The second time down we both got super fast sleds (its all about the sleds, if you get an old one your pretty much screwed.) So on our way down we started a 5 man pile up behind a sweet little blond girl that was inching along. When we got to the bottom of the hill, mom was very upset. She was so disappointed "Ah that little girl! I had such a good sled, I just wanted to really ride that thing! Man!" But to the fault of the line worker we were able to go up one more time. This time we waited for all the kids to go past us. I went in front of mom this time too. Man I flew! I get to the bottom and look back, no mom, i get out and start dragging my sled to the end, no mom, I continue to wait there until finally she starts scooting into the finish. What can I say, its a skill to fly, a skill that not all of us have.

The rest of the ride up the mountain she talked about how fast I went and how she just couldn't get it going, very frustrated. Our next stop was up at Timberline. We got out and there were hoards of snowboarders just finishing their runs. My mom turned and said "Probably not the place that you want your mom with you." I leaned in and grabbed her arm and said with a smile, "I dont mind." We had lunch up at the lodge. It was beautiful, our soup tasted like crap, that was not beautiful but the scenery was. We were going to ride the lift to the top but it stopped running at 1:30, so we couldn't go up. After walking around for a bit we decided to go downtown and go shopping, something we hadn't done since probably Christmas. I slept the whole way down, 5:45 workout classes can do that to ya. Shopping was awesome. My mom is the most gracious shopper. She gets so happy when she shops with any of us girls. I am very blessed to have a mom that gets delighted when I am happy. At the end of our shopping we got a bite at Chipotle...Amazing! What a fun day, I love spending time with my mom, I am a very blessed young woman to have such an amazing mother and friend, I am going to miss her very much next year!